ڸ 2024 ʷ ȳ
о ǥ NANO KOREA 2024 Symposium(22ȸ ȸ) 7 3() 5() 3ϰ KINTEX ֵ˴ϴ.
ʷ Ͽ, е ǥ ֵ ɰ Ź帳ϴ.
1. 簳
: NANO KOREA 2024 (22ȸ ȸ)
Ⱓ/: 2023. 7. 3.()~5.() / ϻ KINTEX 1
/ְ: бź, ڿ / ȸ, ջ
ΰ: Invisible Nano Realizes the Futures
Ը(2023 )
: 23 1,108 ǥ, 1,184
ȸ: 393 685 ν , 10,679
: ȣ ȸ(ȸ, Ѿб)
: ̺ (װб)
α: ڻ(ѱῬ)
α: ϼ (հб), ڻ(ѱб)
ֿ俬(Plenary Speakers)
Prof. Xiaodong Chen(Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Prof. Dr. Kornelius Nielsch(Leibniz Institute of Solid State and Materials Research, Dresden, Germany)
Prof. Jien-Wei Yeh(National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan)
2. ʷ
ʷ : 2024. 3. 15.()
ʷհ : 2024. 4. 12.()
ǥ : ʷհ ~ 2024. 5. 17.()
, ڼ Ȩ(http://nanokorea-sympo.or.kr/index.php)
3. ʷ
ʷ ȳ : http://nanokorea-sympo.or.kr/abstract.php
ʷ ý : https://nanokorea2024.genimice.com/
ʷ ڸ ý ؼ Ͻ ֽϴ.
1 ټ ʷ (, ä ʷ 1 1 ̻ ǥ ʼ)
4. Symposium Sessions
TS01 |
Nanotechnology for Energy
Harvesting |
TS02 |
Nanomaterials for the Next-Generation
Batteries |
TS03 |
Nanotechnology for
Eco-friendly Energy |
TS04 |
Hybrid Nanomaterials for Next
Generation Convergence Technology |
TS05 |
Nanomaterials for Extreme
Environments and Applications |
TS06 |
Nanomaterials and Emerging Technologies
for Next Generation Sensors |
TS07 |
Nanomaterials for
Biotechnology |
TS08 |
Nanomaterials for Healthcare
Devices |
TS09 |
Nanomedicine |
TS10 |
Nanoelectronic and Quantum
Devices |
TS11 |
Nanophotonics and its
Applications |
TS12 |
Sustainable Process and Nanomaterials |
TS13 |
Nanofabrication Process and
Platform |
TS14 |
Nanometric Metrology and
Computation |
TS15 |
Nanotechnology in
EHS(Environment, Health, Safety) & Standardization |
TS16 |
Computational Materials and
Data Science for Nanotechnology |
5. ó
ڸ 繫
- Tel: 042-472-7460 / Fax: 042-472-7459
- Email: symposium@kontrs.or.kr
- Website: http://nanokorea-sympo.or.kr/